Which Energy Projects are on the Trump Administration Infrastructure List?
“Governors Forward 428 Infrastructure Projects to Trump Administration”
In December, the Trump transition team requested the bipartisan National Governors Association (NGA) to submit 3-5 high priority infrastructure projects per state. Per the Washington Post, most states “far exceeded” that number. The final list of 428 infrastructure projects will not be made public, however some states and industry experts are releasing information about the projects.
Electric Transmission Projects:
- Plains and Eastern Transmission Project – Moving wind power from the Oklahoma panhandle to Tennessee
- TransWest Express Transmission Line – To move renewable energy from Wyoming to California, Nevada and Arizona
- Various transmission grid upgrades in California
Hydroelectric Plants:
- Multiple Hydroelectric Plants operated by the US Army of Engineers require upgrades
- Champlain Hudson Power Express hydropower project to bring 1,000 MW power to New York City
Wind Projects:
- Chokecherry Wind Project in Wyoming
- Sierra Madre Wind Project in Wyoming
Battery Storage:
- Energy storage in California
Gas Pipeline:
- Atlantic Coast Pipeline transporting gas from West Virginia to North Carolina
To be sure, there are additional projects on the list, but these are the only ones released so far. Although the Washington Post article stated that Congress will be involved in the infrastructure plan, all indicators show they will not be involved. First and foremost, Congress was not asked to provide the list of infrastructure projects. Secondly, the list will not be made public and funding will come from public/private partnerships combined with tax credits. And most importantly, the Trump Administration will use a bipartisan commission “similar in some respects to commissions that have overseen military base closures” to choose which projects to advance.
All the above indicators bypass Congress and the lobbyists. If this is part of the Trump Administration “drain the swamp” then Congress will be less involved than ever before.
How does your company bid on these projects? Update your website, make sure your services are listed and the safety section is concise and thorough because new lead sources (Say Hello to New Lead Sources) may be searching for your company’s services. The Trump Administration is moving quickly on its campaign promises and therefore, we will continue monitoring news about the energy sector infrastructure projects.
Jolie McShane is President of Vesta Construction Websites, which specializes in websites for oil, gas and electric utility construction companies. Construction centered social media, blogs, website content, video/photography and consultation services are provided by industry knowledgeable staff.